
TeRiMa KaSiH=))

Jumaat, 5 Mac 2010

npe la suka nyusahkan....~guilty conscience~

what's going on??
04 mac, 7.30 a.m smpai rumah...
mama tnya= wat PBS kat seklh mama, kna jump Gru bsr dlu la nnt~
GB?? surat utk GB! ya Tuhan... bw blik ke tak?? 
kalu tak de surat tu mknanya tak sah la PBS tu..
trus selongkar dua buah bagasi besar yang mcm nk patah tgn dah heret bw blik dari trggnu.
hah! dah sah tak bw blik. bnda pling pentingg.... ya Allah... napa la cemerkap sgt wat kerja.
dah thu dah, msti kna NYUSAHKAN dri sndri n org lain plk.

no need to tell mum yet. solve it by ur own self first.
call my fren asking for helping...
~may u phtocopy it n post 4 me. 2day pls...~
"ok, i will help u.."
fuhhhh... grateful to Allah.. thanks be to the Lord..

at afternoon... kringgg kringgg... 
"assalamualaikum, i'm sorry, post office was close 2day"
oh God.. how it can be? is it so weird~ tuesday at k. tganu.. office time but how it can close?
oppss!! sultan's tgnu bfday. no wonder it can be..
i hve no d other choice than...
~ mum, i 4get to bring importnt letter to show to GB. huhu. but, i use to ask my fren to post it. unfortunately post office was close~
"hmm.. why u dont tell me early.. we can ask ur fren to fax it"
oh my Loard... i nver though bout tht.  my mum thousand time brilliant than me!
~ok mum, i'll ask my fren to fax it 4 me. but tomorrow office hour off. then how?~
"my dear, nver mind. i will ask p.cik zali bout it."
oh God.. so pity to my mum. i fell so guilty.. (guilty conscience)..

=tomorrow arrive=

"we hve try to fax it 4 u but d machine cnnot accept it. boss of this photo shop seem lke bcome angry to us "
my fren go to photo shop to fax my letter. oh my Lord.. plead guilty.
~nver mind, i'm so sorry 4 dsturbing u~
i start 2 feel vry worry dis condition. 
kringgg... kring....
" salam. we will try to fax dis ltter 4 u once, but try to cntct wif Kadiaq, he also do PBS at kdh"
~really? thnks 4 tht info.~
i called kadiaq to get d ltter...
kadiaq, "i'll back 2 kedah 2morrow. i'll photocopy d letter 4 u."
~thanks vry much. then, we'll meet 2morrow at a.str. i'll cntact u back~
"ok insyaAllah"
~mum, 2morrow i want to tke d letter from kadiaq at a.s.. can u accompany me?~
mum, "ok, we will go 2mrrow"
GUILTY CONSCIENCE again 2 my mum =(
n to kadiaq-=(
i'll wait until 2morrow. hopefully evrthing will smooth =I

i need to plead guilty to =
1) my mum
2) my classmates
3) kadiaq
4) p.cik zali
5) tokey of photo shop

oh my Lord.. plss mke my work smooth 2morrow. i alwayz need Your blessing, helping, and evrthing from You. just from You...


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